7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (2024)

Psoriatic Arthritis

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (1)

Many of us wake up in the morning and simply want to crawl back under the covers. That feeling may be especially tempting for people with psoriatic arthritis, thanks to morning joint stiffness, a common symptom of the condition. Psoriatic arthritis often causes joint swelling and tendon and ligament inflammation, which is mainly responsible for morning stiffness, says Anca Askanase, MD, MPH, a rheumatologist and associate professor of medicine and director of rheumatology clinical trials at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.

Morning stiffness may be the result of a nighttime surge of inflammatory cells caused by your body’s circadian rhythms. Lack of movement while you sleep may also contribute to morning stiffness, says Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, an instructor of medicine in the rheumatology division at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. Here’s how to keep morning stiffness from stopping your day before it starts.


Warm Up Your Room

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (2)

Welcome the morning with a little extra warmth. “In order to get out of bed and function, the joint inflammation that accumulated overnight needs to be diminished from the joints and tendons with movement and warmth,” Dr. Askanase explains. “Warmth and movement dilate the blood vessels, increase the circulation, and allow for a decrease in inflammation.” Try setting a programmable thermostat to raise the temperature in your bedroom by a few degrees before your scheduled wake time or sleep with an electric blanket and turn it up a few notches before you have to get out of bed, the Arthritis Foundation suggests.

Once you’re out of bed, make a large mug of tea or coffee, suggests Dr. Gavin Hamer, PT, DPT, as shared on Tippi Psoriatic Arthritis. “It’s big enough to get both hands around and gets them warm and ready for the day,” he says.


Stock Your Nightstand

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (3)

Just getting out of bed with stiff joints can be difficult, so put essentials for easing morning stiffness within arm’s reach before you go to sleep. This might include a heating pad as well as your anti-inflammatory medications, Askanase says. That way you won’t have to drag yourself out of bed to find them, and you can take or use them as soon as you wake up. Don’t forget a water bottle so that you have something with which to wash down your medication.


Head to the Shower

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (4)

A warm shower or a soak in a warm tub can make for a soothing start to your day. The warm water and steam from a hot shower can ease morning stiffness, as can immersing yourself in a tub of warm water. Make sure the water isn’t too hot, and take your time and enjoy the water therapy. Use the support of the water to do some gentle stretching while you’re in the bath or shower, the Arthritis Foundation suggests.


Try Moist Heat

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (5)

If a morning soak or shower isn’t on the agenda, try a moist heating pad on stiff joints. You can make your own by warming a damp washcloth in the microwave and placing it inside a zip-closure plastic baggie before applying it, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Or try this tip, as shared on Tippi Psoriatic Arthritis: “Take a men’s athletic sock and fill it halfway with flax seed. Tie it at the top and heat in the microwave for two minutes or less. Apply to your neck, fingers, wrists, and lower back.”

Limit heat applications to 20 minutes, Askanase says, and allow the skin to return to its normal temperature before repeating. Also, protect your skin by placing a towel between it and your heat source. For extra warmth, toss the clothes you’ll be wearing into the dryer for a few minutes so that they’re warm when you put them on. Another option is to simply run warm water over your fingers and hands for a few minutes, says Dr. Orbai.


Stretch Your Joints Gently

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (6)

Just a few minutes of slow, gentlestretchescan help your joints get going for the day. “Doing a fewstretchesin themorningtoloosen the muscles and joints and flush them with more blood can help a lot,” says Askanase, who recommends working with a physical therapist to identify the best stretching regimen for your sore, swollen joints and muscles.If your hands feel stiff, open and close your fists repeatedly until the stiffness subsides a bit, Orbai suggests. If your back feels stiff and tight, try some simple, gentle stretches that target the area, but make sure your balance is stable before trying any stretches to avoid falling. Yoga is a great alternative therapy that can help with morning stiffness, she adds.


Set an Early Alarm

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (7)

When you have morning stiffness with psoriatic arthritis, you may move more slowly and need more time for your morning routine, such as getting dressed, showering, and making breakfast, according to Orbai. Rushing yourself — and your stiff joints — first thing in the morning may only make things worse. Askanase suggests setting your alarm earlier so that you have extra time to ease into your morning and aren’t rushing through your wake-up-and-warm-up routine. This will give you time to heat your joints, take medication and allow it to kick in, and have time for stretches. To make sure you’re getting enough rest, head to bed at about the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning, the Arthritis Foundation advises.


Work With Your Rheumatologist

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (8)

A little stiffness and discomfort due to psoriatic arthritis may come with the territory, but it shouldn’t interfere with your daily life. “If you have a lot of stiffness, talk to your rheumatologist,” Orbai says. Make sure you’re taking all of your medications exactly as prescribed, but if that’s not providing enough control, discuss the possibility of changing your drug regimen. “The extreme stiffness may mean increased disease activity, requiring an adjustment of medications for psoriatic arthritis,” Orbai says.

Askanase also recommends talking to your doctor about taking fish oil as a complement to your treatment. According to research published in the June 2015 issue of theJournal of Physiology and Biochemistry, fish oil has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on chronic illnesses, including all types of arthritis.

Additional reporting by Susan Jara

7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis (2024)


7 Ways to Ease the Morning Stiffness of Psoriatic Arthritis? ›

Morning stiffness is a prominent feature of psoriatic arthritis. Unlike the brief stiffness (5 to 10 minutes) that occurs in patients with osteoarthritis, the morning stiffness in psoriatic arthritis is longer than 30 to 60 minutes and often lasts for hours. Fatigue and generalized malaise are also common complaints.

How long does morning stiffness last with psoriatic arthritis? ›

Morning stiffness is a prominent feature of psoriatic arthritis. Unlike the brief stiffness (5 to 10 minutes) that occurs in patients with osteoarthritis, the morning stiffness in psoriatic arthritis is longer than 30 to 60 minutes and often lasts for hours. Fatigue and generalized malaise are also common complaints.

How do you calm a psoriatic arthritis flare up? ›

15 Ways to Tame a Psoriatic Arthritis Flare
  1. Use Cold Packs. 1/15. They can save the day when the joints in your hands and feet are swollen and painful. ...
  2. Give Heat a Chance. 2/15. ...
  3. Cut Out the Junk Food. 3/15. ...
  4. Get Stress in Check. 4/15. ...
  5. Try to Keep Moving. 5/15. ...
  6. Pace Yourself. 6/15. ...
  7. Make Sleep a Priority. 7/15. ...
  8. Consider Acupuncture. 8/15.
Nov 25, 2022

How did I cured my psoriatic arthritis naturally? ›

Some natural therapies that may help with psoriatic arthritis include exercise, occupational therapy, and acupuncture. Other therapies that are still being researched include massage, energy healing, and biofeedback. While research is limited, some people may find these therapies to be helpful.

What time of day is psoriatic arthritis worse? ›

Psoriatic arthritis can worsen at night due to various factors, including the natural circadian rhythms, physical inactivity, medication timing, and sleep disturbances. Understanding these influences allows for targeted management strategies, improving the nocturnal experiences of those with PsA.

How long does it take to become disabled with psoriatic arthritis? ›

You can apply as soon as PsA makes it difficult or impossible to perform a job. While there's no requirement for you to have a disability for a certain amount of time before you apply, you will need to show that PsA will prevent you from working for at least 12 months.

What is the best vitamin for stiff joints? ›

Several nutritional supplements have shown promise for relieving pain, stiffness and other arthritis symptoms. Glucosamine and chondroitin, omega-3 fatty acids, SAM-e and curcumin are just some of the natural products researchers have studied for osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

When I get up in the morning, I can hardly walk.? ›

Stiff joints in the morning can be due to OA, RA, or joint aging. How do I prevent muscle stiffness in the morning? Keep yourself warm, do some simple stretches, make sure your joints are supported while you sleep, and try showering first thing in the morning.

How do you reverse arthritis stiffness? ›

Exercise that raises heart rate, known as aerobic exercise, is also important.
  1. Range-of-motion exercises. These exercises lessen stiffness and put joints through their full range of motion. ...
  2. Strengthening exercises. ...
  3. Aerobic exercise. ...
  4. Other activities.

What is the best drink for psoriatic arthritis? ›

Certain drinks, such as coffee, green tea, and some fruit juices, have anti-inflammatory properties that may help people with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). However, more research is necessary to determine the exact benefits. PsA is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints.

What foods should you avoid if you have psoriatic arthritis? ›

Foods like fatty red meats, dairy, refined sugars, processed foods, and possibly vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants (you might hear them called nightshades) may all cause inflammation. Avoid them and choose fish, like mackerel, tuna, and salmon, which have omega-3 fatty acids.

Why do I feel so ill with psoriatic arthritis? ›

You may experience fatigue because of inflammation or high disease activity that stresses the body. Chronic pain and itchy skin are also a factor, since these symptoms can interfere with sleep. Certain medications you take to treat PsA may affect fatigue too.

What cancers are associated with psoriatic arthritis? ›

Psoriatic arthritis is closely linked to leukemia, lymphoma, and breast cancer. 21. Psoriasis is closely associated with leukemia, lymphoma, and non-melanoma skin cancers. Rheumatoid arthritis is closely linked to both lymphoma and lung cancer.

What vitamin helps psoriatic arthritis? ›

Why Is Vitamin D Important for Psoriatic Arthritis? Vitamin D is important for your overall health. It helps your body retain calcium and phosphorus, both of which are important to build bone. But it also may help reduce inflammation, which is thought to play a role in the development of psoriatic arthritis.

Are bananas good for psoriatic arthritis? ›

Bananas can be part of a healthy diet for those with PsA. Fruits such as bananas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and keep PsA symptoms under control.

How long does arthritis stiffness last in the morning? ›

Morning stiffness usually lasts less than 1 hour. Stiffness returns at the end of the day or after periods of activity.

How long does an average flare up in psoriatic arthritis last? ›

Although it is natural for the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis to fluctuate over time, flares tend to involve more severe symptoms that last for longer periods — anywhere from a few days to a week.

How long does morning stiffness last with inflammatory arthritis? ›

The most common and prominent symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is morning stiffness. Rheumatologists consider morning stiffness that lasts at least an hour a key sign of RA. Although the stiffness usually loosens and goes away, it can take some time.

What duration of morning stiffness is concerning for inflammatory joint symptoms? ›

Morning stiffness, persisting more than one hour but often lasting several hours, may be a feature of any inflammatory arthritis but is especially characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Its duration is a useful gauge of the inflammatory activity of the disease.

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